About Us
Who We Are
The Institute of Search and Technical Rescue, formerly the Association for Search and Rescue was established in 2013 as a not-for-profit professional body.
The Institute exists to promote critical reflection, learning and informal peer exchanges to improve service delivery and raise standards within the fields of Search and Technical Rescue.
Founded by members of the Search and Technical Rescue communities, our aim is to bring together practitioners and experts from across all sectors involved in search and rescue for the preservation of life. We are proud to boast a membership base spanning five continents.
We maintain a library of relevant publications, academic studies and papers for the benefit of the membership.
What We Do
Drive personal development by means of accredited examinations from technician to degree level, supported by a system of CPD.
Drive team development by bench-marking roles, team types, standards of equipment and operational practice and set standards for leadership, team management and safety.
Be a driver for development in technology, by working with industry both within the UK and abroad, while maintaining InSTR’s total independence.
Provide professional recognition for members and organisations representing the widest range of backgrounds.
Set standards for personal behaviour and development to which all members agree to abide.
Set professional standards to which groups and organisations must adhere.
Further the interests of the Search and Rescue and Technical Rescue communities by providing representation and advice to government, local government, the media and other organisations as required.
Accreditation And Training
Utilising the expertise of our membership we are able to offer accreditation to training providers within the UK and overseas. We also deliver specific rescue skills training to government an non-government organisations as well as mentoring and coaching services to national and local teams ahead of re-classification or competition.
Members of the Institute have undertaken capacity building and exchange of expertise projects in:
- Pakistan
- India
- Bhutan
- Tajikistan
- Canada
- Chile
- Bangladesh
- Sierra Leone
For more information regarding training or mentoring please contact us at enquiries@rescue-institute.org